Why did you pursue writing?
I didn’t; it pursued me. Late at night, through a dark forest, I would run from it, tripping over fallen adverbs and sinking into deep plot holes, it pursued me relentlessly. Finally I gave in and let writing catch me, after 30-years of evading it.
What inspired your book?
If I dig through the layers of my twisted subconscious, I would have to say my grandfather inspired this particular novel. A big, hearty man, he could fix anything mechanical. He had little education, yet he read constantly. But what stuck with me was a story my grandmother told of how a sometime-friend, sometime-enemy of his once stated Earl Bell had the “hardest fists in the county.” I wanted to write a story about a guy like that.
How long have you been publishing your work?
Four years? Plus or minus. My first short story credit was a piece called “Mitchellsville” published by The Western Online. I was paid five dollars for it and was damn glad to get it. Since then, I’ve published four more short stories and, of course, “Yeager’s Law.”
What’s your writing environment like?
Anything from my home office, my living room, kitchen, or an airport, airplane, or hotel room. I’m not picky. When the fever’s on me, it doesn’t matter where I get my fix.
What projects are you currently working on?
I’m so glad you asked… The sequel to “Yeager’s Law” is under review by the publisher, called “Yeager’s Mission.” I have a series of crime fiction books featuring a larger-than-life Texas Ranger, Sam Cable, and his Bronx-born, sassy sidekick, a little hellion named Rita Goldman. The first of these will be called “April’s Fool”, followed by “May Day” and “June Bug”. (See the clever titles? Aren’t I cute?)
Next up, I have a departure from crime fiction, a pre-Dystopian sci-fi novel called, “Working Stiffs” that posits: What if we could reanimated dead people with technology and have them take over the grunt work of day-to-day living?
Scott Bell has over 25 years of
experience protecting the assets of retail companies. He holds a degree in Criminal Justice from
North Texas State University.
With the kids grown and time on his
hands, Scott turned back to his first love—writing. His short stories have been
published in
The Western Online, Cast of Wonders, and
in the anthology, Desolation.
When he’s not writing, Scott is on the
eternal quest to answer the question:
What would John Wayne do?
Blog - http://snapshooter4hire.com/
Thanks for making me look smarter than I am!