Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Interview with Chris Carley (The Millionaire Within Us)

Why did you pursue writing?

I really didn't have a desire to write. What happened was a lot of people saw my success and kept asking me questions about how and what I did to get there. I didn't think I had done anything special, but I felt a need to share my experiences. It took me 10 years and partnering with Enlightened Financial Press to bring it to life.

What inspired your book?

It makes me feel good to see people make money and just get it. There is no better feeling to see someone turn around their lives financially. I started off as a factory worker making around $10/her to now being worth over $20 million dollars working from home. It's humbling. I was blessed and like to share that blessing.

How long have you been publishing your work?

My book "The Millionaire Within Us" was officially released last fall with some pre-made ting in the summer. I have material for three more books if this book continues to get good reception.

What’s your writing environment like?

I live in one of the most beautiful places on earth, Hawaii. There is nothing but serenity and tropical plants as well as the ocean breeze and smells. It's a long way away from the factory floor I used to shuffle tools around on.

What projects are you currently working on?

Right now I am working on the next book and possibly developing a boot camp here in Hawaii to teach people how to be successful at working from home. It's a formula that can be taught to anyone willing to put in the work. I want to help be that conduit for people.

Author Bio

Chris Carley has earned over $20 million dollars working from home and has a life style that has allowed her to golf and hang out with Donald Trump and meet people like Barbara Walters, Katie Couric, Former President Bill Clinton and President Ford and so many more.  Movie stars have filmed or been photographed in her home.  George Clooney, Cameron Diaz, Lucy Lui, Drew Barrymore, Arnold Swartznegger, Bruce Willis.  

Yet it wasn't always this way. She started off as an uneducated, overweight, depressed, in a bad abusive marriage, fired airplane factory worker that had to borrow $79 from her father to get started.

With hard work, perseverance and a vision of what she wanted in life she turned it all around and has taught thousands of others around the world to do the same.

Social Media/Purchase Links:


The author is generously offering 2 signed paperback & 2 hardcover copies of The Millionaire Within Us to 4 different winners via the Rafflecopter code below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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